Letter to Greenfield Recorder

January 24, 2023 

David Gottsegen’s column “As war rolls on, support for Ukraine must continue,” in the Recorder Jan. 20 edition inspires this letter.

He calls the horrible Russian attack on Ukraine “unprovoked,” the adjective regularly repeated in the mainstream press. But not all agree.

After reading Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies’ new book “War in Ukraine: Making sense of a senseless conflict,” I wanted to share the important research it covers. That made sense locally, I thought, as Medea had spoken in the area and been interviewed in the Recorder.

In late October I submitted “War in Ukraine: Making sense of a senseless conflict: a book review, ” a My Turn about the book to be published in mid-November, and mentioned that our website featured the powerful 18-plus minute video about the book. That link is still there, also one to my never published piece. Just days after remembering Dr. King’s nonviolent activism, it’s sad that this war can be presented as ‘different’ and justifying unlimited military support, and a call by 1,000 religious leaders for a Christmas-New Year’s cease-fire is called “futile.”

As with the climate crisis, there’s much to say around this war. Let’s at least listen to those calling for peace — not at any price, but with a first step — a cease-fire. Among the many supporting this call are Bishop William J. Barber and the Poor People’s Campaign, the secretary- general of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, and Pope Francis.