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Greenfield Recorder, August 9, 2021


The Indigenous People of Australia were guided by the Creator to a tree, to make a large “flute” that would make a sound “to keep the monster in the ground.”

The White Australian man, who played a didgereedoo, shared this story with a gathering of peace-seekers in Massachusetts about 15 years ago. He said they understand the “monster” is uranium. Yet science and technology has ignored this wisdom, extracting ever more fossil fuels — coal, natural gas, oil, tar sands — and uranium.

Thus, the use of these fuels has upset the balance of life on this Earth to such an extent that we can no longer hide from its consequences.

CO2-concentration in our atmosphere has risen to dangerous levels, as temperatures rise to life-threatening levels. With 70 years of nuclear power producing tons of high-level radioactive waste, there is no technology to “put it back in the ground.”

We learn of many places being devastated by drought, wildfires, flooding, toxic compounds causing asthma, cancer, deadly diseases. Earth heats up and we must wake up.

What we can see is not pleasing, and it takes time and intention to examine the painful realities:

U. S. military consumes over half of U.S. taxes, with 800 military bases across the world, endless wars and millions killed, while producing 50% of US CO2 emissions. The U.S. is the largest weapons maker and dealer, with plans for expanding the nuclear arsenal with bigger blasts, with 400 ICBMs on high-alert, and with 10 Trident subs equaling 7,000 Hiroshimas — and they want more!? Nuclear war and climate crisis would mean global famine and billions of refugees … and no “homeland,” no “home.”
Oceans rise from melting glaciers, taking over island nations and eventually coastal cities (the vast portion of human population).
Corporate profiteers buy politicians, while increasing economic inequality, thus increasing poverty, homelessness, suffering, hunger, and hopelessness.
U. S. sanctions devastate other nations for not playing our way — recently happening with Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran … and it is the people who suffer.

What gives me hope is knowing many kind and caring people, and the many in this COVID-19 pandemic who have been helping others in their community and across the nation and wider world. We each have unique skills/gifts and energy to contribute to the efforts that will bring us back into balance. We must respect all life, and engage with compassion, courage, generosity and gratitude, as we share this fragile planet. We must transform the system from greedy exploitation to respectful sharing and cooperation.

Suzanne R. Carlson, a Greenfield resident, is a board member of both Traprock Center for Peace and Justice, and Visioning BEAR Circle Intertribal Coalition.

Copyright © 2021 Greenfield Recorder 8/9/2021