Published in the Greenfield Recorder, April 6, 2020, and the Montague Reporter, April 9th.
On March 11, this paper published the My Turn “Women and Life on Earth: Then and Now.” It described an ‘herstoric’ conference on ecological feminism with 600 women held at UMass in March 1980. The goal of that gathering was to make connections around women and our communities, peace, ecology and justice.
Over months, Traprock and a planning group developed a program to mark the 40th anniversary of “Women and Life on Earth: a conference on eco-feminism in the 1980’s” with a Saturday, March 28, WLOE 2020 meeting in the Greenfield Community College Dining Commons. There we would hear women activists from 18 area organizations describe their groups’ plans for 2020. There would be time for small group discussion among the 100 people expected. A long wall calendar would show all the events being planned. The goals?
Greater unity and impact to achieve changes so badly needed: for rapid action on climate and racial and gender justice, our unjust economy, and demands for peace.
Two days later, on March 12, all up-coming events at GCC were canceled, and we know how it has gone on from there.
This letter to is let you know that our plans for this project continue. Ironically, moving to a video and internet ‘platform’ can involve and reach many more people than the group that would have enjoyed being together at GCC. We will continue to keep our community informed. This is no time to “shelter” from the realities of the health, wealth, racial and all other social injustices that call for all the ideas and actions we can muster. Together.
Anna Gyorgy and Pat Hynes
Traprock Center for Peace and Justice