7pm, Thursday September 11, at
Mount Toby Friends, 194 Long Plain Road, Leverett, MA 01054
Pat Hynes will offer a presentation on Vietnam, looking at both the on- going damage created by the use of Agent Orange during the war and the hopeful work of Peace Villages there.
During the Vietnam war, the US sprayed the countryside with millions of gallons of Agent Orange, a defoliant contaminated with the exceedingly toxic dioxin. This resulted in a huge number of deaths and at least a half million children born with physical and/or mental birth defects.
In March 2014 Pat Hynes traveled to Vietnam to investigate the plight of the victims, the contaminated sites, and restoration. In her presentation she will bring photos from her visit to the Vietnam Peace Villages in Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City and also Children of Vietnam in Da Nang – facilities with classrooms, clinics, organic gardens, and commu- nity-based programs where young Agent Orange victims receive rehabilitation, vocational and educational training, and many kinds of support for their families. She will also tell of US-Vietnam collaboration to clean up Agent Orange-dioxin sites at former US air bases.
This event is cosponsored by the Peace & Social Concerns Committee, the New England Peace Pagoda, and the Traprock Center for Peace and Justice. Pat Hynes is the director of Traprock and is a retired Professor of Environmental Health from Boston University, a feminist, and a peace and environmental justice activist.