GREENFIELD — The Greenfield Public Library will release a new collection of children’s books centered around themes of peace, social justice and nature during an event Saturday afternoon.
At least 60 books were purchased with a gift of $1,000 from the Traprock Center for Peace and Justice. Chosen by the library staff, the books include works of fiction and nonfiction on a variety of subjects — world peace, empathy, community, girls’ empowerment, welcoming immigrants and the natural environment. The event, which will include readings from some of the books, will take place from 1 to 2 p.m. in the Levanway Meeting Room.
“We welcome parents with children, teachers, young teenagers to come to this, enjoy the reading, see the books and bring their library card,” said Patricia Hynes, director of the Traprock Center. “One thing we hope is that teachers in the local school systems will become aware of this book collection, as well, so they can draw from it to do readings in the classroom or have children do readings in the classroom so that it will reach a much wider audience.”
Hynes said the Traprock Center reached out to the Greenfield library to collaborate on the project because it’s the largest town in Franklin County and, therefore, has the widest reach, but said the center hopes to work with other towns in the future.
“We know the library is very well used and loved,” she said.
Saturday’s event was also planned in celebration of International Peace Day, taking place Sept. 21.
Children’s Librarian Kay Lyons, who will be reading from several of the books, said the collection is meaningful to children as well as the adults who want to promote those themes of peace, justice and nature.
“It was really important to us to make these books fascinating to kids and interesting stories,” she said. “As well as conveying the themes of friendship and empathy, and we also wanted to include the environment.”
Hynes agreed, saying, “These are not didactic books, they are books that speak to the senses, to the heart — that challenge — so they would be the most engaging children’s books.”
Originally Published: Children at heart of this collection
Recorder Staff