DATES: Tuesday and Wednesday,  January 12, 13

(Snow day Thursday Jan. 14)

LOCATION: Ashfield Congregational Church

429 Main Street, Ashfield 01330

TIMES:  9:30 – 3:30       People bring their own snack and lunch.

Co-sponsored by Traprock Center for Peace and Justice and the Ashfield First Congregational Church

Registration open to 10 people. Seeking a multi-age group.

This training supports people to see themselves as involved in a life-long engagement in social change fueled by their own heart calling, while connected to generations of those who came before. We will learn how to lead three basic activities relating to communicating nonviolently and changing systemic oppression. We will keep a focus on supporting the empowerment of women’s voices and address violence against women, creating our own analysis of sexism.

We will develop an inner reference point for courage. Each person will have support (a) to seek out how they feel called to social change, (b) to address some aspect of their personal life where they want to develop communication and  other nonviolence skills, and (c ) to clarify their own next step whether it be a specific social change project or whether their focus is how they communicate everyday.

We will examine how friends and communities can give more support to people healing from interpersonal violence, and look at the interlocking systemic wheel of oppression. Peace Pilgrim said, “We all have a place in the peace puzzle:” the variety of ways of contributing will be respected.

Leader: Sarah Pirtle. MEd.   Contact:

Sarah is the author of five books on peace education including An Oubreak of Peace which was named the outstanding book of the year on world peace. Her focus is on bringing generations together.  At age 19 she first became involved in leading programs for women and girls. As a European American woman in her sixties, she is still active in creating community events and willl include songs and short breaks of chi gong to amplify the values of the program. 

To register: MARSHA LIEBERMAN  at

COST: Sliding scale ranging from free, partial scholarship or $40 – 100 for two days.